Why use PayPerWord.com’s Platform if You’re Looking into the Gig Economy

Why use PayPerWord.com’s freelance writer platform if you are looking for a new hustle in the gig economy 

Here it comes again. Many of us in the gig economy may refer to it as “bill week.” Some of us with large families might be unlucky enough to have more than 1 of these a month.

Rent, Car Payment, Daycare, Student Loans, Insurance, Groceries, Netflix, Hulu, Spotify. These are just a few things that can easily consume an entire paycheck. Those of us who have been working in the gig economy know its was almost impossible to cover your monthly expenses, then the pandemic made it even harder. 

Lately, just as things looked like they were on track to go back to the old normal, the increased cost of gas has turned these low-paying gigs into ways that actually LOSE money. Driving around 20 minutes waiting for a ride or food delivery request with sky high gas prices everywhere in the country makes taking on these types of gig-based jobs less and less appealing every day.

There was a time when the upside of working in the gig economy made it appealing. Set your own hours, flexible schedules, no commitments, and no boss. Prioritize your work and home life by planning your month out, or deciding to take a day off on a whim. It is clear why so many of us keep returning to the gig economy, hoping to find what we were promised, and always leaving disappointed.

The good news is that there are still platforms out there like PayPerWord.com, that allow anyone with a laptop and an internet connection to make some extra money. In fact, with the increased use of AI writing tools, people are now able to make a full-time living as a freelance writer. So before you stop reading this post and say, “I am not a writer,” you should quickly learn about the changes that have taken place in the last year with AI writing tools. These tools are so powerful that overseas workers who do not speak English as a first language are earning more than most people doing Rideshare and food delivery gigs in the US, so take a minute to hear us out.

When discussing Artificial Intelligence, everyone thinks we are 10-15 years away from AI that will truly affect our everyday life. The only thing is, this was true when it was being said 10-15 years ago, and the time has come that a revolution is happening in the AI industry, specifically with writing.

Today, writers are enjoying the benefits of what AI can do for their content. With the help of GPT-3, an AI model that was made public in June 2020 and has been used to create countless unique AI writing tools ever since, any writer can now use a tool to improve their writing skills and produce better content faster than they ever could have before. What has made this AI revolution take off so quickly is how easy the tools are to use, with most people able to teach themselves how to get copywriter quality results in just a few minutes of experimenting.

GPT-3 based tools are just one example of how AI is changing the writing industry. There are many other tools available that can help writers with everything from coming up with ideas to editing and proofreading their work. One click of a button will lay out the framework of an entire article for you. With some additional clicks of a button the AI will be fully generating these sections. And now, with some editing tools and your human touch, you have a piece of content indistinguishable from the content businesses have been buying online since the start of the internet, for hundreds of dollars per article. Oh yeah, and everything is checked for plagiarism in real-time, so that piece of content you just made is truly YOURS.

I know this sounds like a lot to process and really complicated, especially with something so important as how you are going to provide for yourself and your family, but does it sound that much crazier than driving around the city and turning around to pick a complete stranger up, drive them to an unknown destination, usually in an awkward silence… have them hop out of the car never to be seen again by you, and then suddenly having a few extra dollars in your bank account? 

Let us tell you how you can earn more money doing less crazy things, like using AI writing tools to write blogs, articles, and social media posts for all types of businesses. Let’s look at some numbers quickly to give you an idea of the reward for those who put the time and effort into learning about AI writing tools; let’s look at some numbers quickly.

According to Google, the average freelance writer earns 10 cents to 1 dollar per word of content. While that is an extensive range, and there are many factors like the topic being written about or the required turnaround time, this still provides us with the range of pay for writing.

AI tools on average can increase someone’s writing speed by 2.5-10X. People without previous professional writing experience are quickly able to begin writing 1500-2000 words per hour. At even 5 cents a word, that is $75-100 per hour, and no fuel cost or wear and tear on your car.

Sounds intriguing? Let’s talk about how to begin.

Start by visiting PayPerWord.com and creating a free writer account. From there, you can set your account up and provide details about the type of writing you do, your experience, and what topics you are knowledgeable about. After that, it is simply a matter of browsing through the available content opportunities and submitting a proposal to write the piece.

If you are still learning about AI writing, visit the tools section to get the rundown on what the best tool options are, where to find the best resources to learn how to use them, and how to maximize your income with them. 

As you begin to write, you can start uploading example pieces to your PayPerWord.com profile portfolio. This will allow businesses to learn more about you and allow them to reach out to you to discuss your availability to write for them.

If you are worried about not being able to deliver quality content or that businesses will not be happy with what you turn in, never fear! PayPerWord.com has a built-in review process that allows businesses to request changes to your work before fully accepting it. This process ensures that everyone is happy with the final product and that writers always get paid for their hard work.

If you want to sharpen your AI writing skills before diving any further into working, check out the many learning resources made available at PayPerWord.com. These resources have been viewed by countless members of the community and refined to get you on the fastest track to financial independence as possible.

The bottom line is that if you are looking for a way to make some extra money or even start a new career, PayPerWord.com’s freelance writer platform is a great option. With the help of AI writing tools, you can write as much or as little content as you want, and get paid for every word you write. 

So what are you waiting on? Sign up today!

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